Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Living in a discriminating world

As I stated in my previous blog discrimination cannot be totally eliminated, although its negative impact is never desired. Despite that we all make discriminations, either they are severe or sometimes too insignificant to be taken into consideration. Still, the most important think remains the fact the we should all take attitude towards discrimination and understand that we are all equal in this world. If we are to talk about equality, there is one heavy word that comes into my mind right now and that is slavery. This is, I believe the most severe form of discrimination that ever existed in the history of humankind. Both the ancient times and the modern ones known slavery and when I say this I think about the Egyptean and the American people. We all know a little bit about the slavery history of these people so I will go to another example of discrimination closely related to the slavery in the United States and that is the racial discrimination. Nowadays racial discrimination is one of the most often know forms of differentiating people that we come across with. All the countries characterized by a mixture of people coming from all over the world have this phenomenon of racial discrimination. Sometimes we do not accept the others and reject them because they are Black, or Asian, or European. But is it our fault that we were born that way? More than that, is this a fault at all? What is true is that racial discrimination exists and is unfair. In addition, we must not forget about disability or weight discrimination. Although they are not something that we should laugh at, many people tend to look at obese or disabled persons with different eyes, considering them as not being their equals. There are many other discrimination examples that can be discussed, such as those related to religion, age, unemployment, but I will make my last stop to a nowadays tendency, the discrimination related to sexual orientation. Although some European countries have serious thoughts and debates upon matters such as the legalization of marriages between persons of the same sex it is very difficult for these persons to be accepted by the society the way they are. They are marginalized, rejected and not integrated in the day by day life, at work or in any other place. But this is a long story and mine ends here for the moment by concluding that no matter where we came from or what we did we should all have a chance to equality just as we have the chance to life. We should accept the others the way they are without making them feel bad when they are around us and at the same time continue our paths in life without letting ourselves influenced by what the others say or do.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

You make some excellent points here. My only suggestion on this post: break up the big paragraph...