Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Topic

At a first reading, my topic might not be so interesting, convincing or a good subject to brainstorm about. In the eyes of a person who never traveled and who never cared about looking around, this is just another simple fact of every day life. But just think about this: everything is related to it. The biggest conflicts nowadays are related to this difference between individuals, between the ideas that they have and the beliefs they don’t want to lose. Think about the war in Iraq, in Afghanistan. They don’t care about what happens to them, to the people around them. They just want their beliefs to be heard, listened and used by everybody no matter what. This is a difference that I, for instance do not understand.On the other side, here in the U.S.A, this mixture of different people coming from totally different worlds can live together and can build such a beautiful and great country. If you go to the bank, to a regular store or just walk, you see a lot of people with different beliefs and ideas working together without having any problems.
These people form what was traditionally known as the “melting pot” of the world, name that tends to be replaced nowadays by such expressions as “salad bowl” because the American people is seen now as a mixture of individual characteristics and not a blend of cultures. However, the United States is known as the country with the most diverse population, which makes it unique and gives it a special image among the countries of the world.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Interesting! Never figured I was part of a salad. I'll be the sun-dried tomato.