Saturday, September 24, 2011

After we make the wall, how many gates there will be?

 After we make the wall, how many gates there will be?

          The debate about U.S.A having a better protected border is a common  issue well known by all of us. The border is assaulted everyday with hundreds maybe thousands of illegal immigrants hard working or not, educated or illiterate, but also tons and tons of drugs who go straight to our streets destroying millions of families over the years. A better protected border is imperative. My personal intention is not to discuss about the immigration issues in general but rather to cope with the much intriguing problem of a better immigration policy. U.S.A. need well prepared and hard working immigrants, that will be the pylon of a healthy economy. The need for extra work and extra taxes should be nourished from the already present illegal immigrants we have as well a good program for bringing new trained individuals interested in living the 'American dream'. "Instead of “enforcement only,” we should offer unauthorized immigrants a chance to come forward, register, pay a fine, learn English, pass background checks, and legalize their status" (Waslin, 2010).                                 
          There are around 11 millions (probably more) illegal immigrants living next door, working among us and trying to get a better life, a life they just dreamed about in their countries of origin. "There are people the world over whose sole dream is to come to the United States to avail themselves of the abundance of good and the abundance of opportunity that the United States offers, abundances which their own countries lack"(Kling, 2009). They usually become employed in what is known as "low skilled jobs." These jobs are often labor intensive and don't tend to attract many employees. In the United States for example, the landscaping and construction sectors are the most popular with immigrants as there is generally no requirement to be fluent in the English language. "Consider an America without illegal immigrants. Let's examine our farms first. Who will be picking the crops? Americans used to working in offices, or even as janitors or McDonalds workers, are not going to be willing to work 10 hour days in the Florida heat picking oranges for minimum wage in substandard housing"(Newsvine, 2007). The way more expensive labor would make the produce prices to sky rocket and finally make that standard of living we were used to, not so easy anymore as the same article states: "To get enough workers, farmers must be willing to pay two, three, or many more times the wages they pay now. Farm products, therefore, will cost two, three or many more times what they cost now. Are you willing to pay $10 for a bunch of bananas during banana season? I thought not. Even if you were, enterprising merchants would simply import foreign bananas and undercut the prices of American farmers. To deport illegal immigrants, therefore, would be to kill the American family farm. That surely isn't your intention?"(Newsvine, 2007).
         The entire areas will be affected with the lack of these workers: "Would Mr. Merrill and Mr. Lynch of Merrill Lynch be willing to vacuum their own office? I doubt it. Mow their own lawns? Nope. While they would be able to pay for it, commodity prices would rise for you and I. We'd end up with hundreds of unclean offices and unmowed lawns. Is that worth having a few fewer Spanish-speakers in America?"(Newsvine, 2007)
         Besides the fact everybody legal or illegal pay sales taxes on everything they buy, they pay property taxes on everything, a good example being, if they live in rental, their contributions (payment of lease) are reflected on the landlords income taxes. The figures show that more than 20 percent of the illegals pay taxes just thinking that someday the government will finally get an eye on them and maybe, finally they will be granted, in exchange, a path to legalization: "With the tax deadline approaching, illegal immigrants are sending in federal returns in what appear to be record numbers despite fears heightened by recent immigration raids around the country. The increase in filings comes amid talk of an immigration overhaul, with some proposals introduced in Congress linking amnesty to the payment of taxes. Many illegal immigrants showing up at tax preparation offices around the country say they hope that filing a return will create a paper trail that could lead to citizenship one day"(Berstein, 2007).
          Again I want to come back to the idea that the government loses millions maybe billions of dollars in taxes the other 80 percent of illegals are not filling their tax returns. The taxes of the newly become or in the process to be legalized individuals will maybe make that burst our economy needs to get those positive numbers in the budget again. If we would ask any illegal what will be his/hers biggest wish, they will want to have a valid driver's license, health insurance, they will want to finally own their own house and why not, to live their life like a normal family-in one word, they want to be that new taxpayer.
          The illegals equally need the same attention in healthcare, healthcare they are not supporting by not paying taxes, by the contrary they are drowning the health care budget. "President Obama said this week that his health care plan won’t cover illegal immigrants, but argued that’s all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage"(Dinan, 2009). For example imagine a mother having some complications when giving birth (this can easily get over 25000 dollars) doesn't have insurance of any kind, neither money to pay it. What is done in this case, there is the Medicaid program, which covers healthcare for the poor helping this kind of families. And again here comes the vicious circle: the program is supported by who else if not the taxpayers who make little money enough to pay for the taxes, insurance etc.
          Everybody complains about the illegal immigrants but almost nobody comes up with a solution. In my opinion, I believe that a good program implemented by the government is imperative. There is no way on getting eleven million illegal immigrants out of country by tomorrow neither in five years, neither in ten, the costs will be enormous. So why not to make a profit on this situation, why not to give them the chance to prove themselves the same way our grandparents did when they first came here. I would make a plan that overtime, under a strict supervision of the law and specific departments of the government will offer the chance of becoming legal to the qualified persons. "First, a bipartisan, commission must certify (1) that our borders are under control, and (2) that an effective system of employment verification is in place. Then, all illegal immigrants who can prove that they have been working or at school in the United States for at least five years are eligible for amnesty"(Lamm, Harrison, 2010) .
         The government has to provide with a good plan for enforcing the immigration laws by substantially reduce the levels of illegal immigration: more personnel at the border patrol and U.S. Border entrances, better technology and why not a better physical barrier to block future attempts of illegal crossings ( walls, fences). The proposition of amnesty would come after and only after there are significant improvements on these fields.
The so called amnesty would need to be elaborated and debated by highly trained specialists in immigration issues capable of passing a law that would need to be transparent, efficient and fair.
My idea, contains some conditions that need to be respected unconditionally:
First, the illegal immigrants needs to have a clean record in both U.S. and country of origin (as much verification is possible). This is the well known background check.
They would need to prove that they worked for a certain period of time ( maybe 3-5 years). This can be proved with any checks they received (anybody knows that any illegal immigrant can cash their check at any cashers checks or any bank they have an opened account, and yes is legal for an illegal alien to open an account in any U.S. bank). They may also prove their working history with the income tax returns (this is why lots of illegals are filling for tax returns). There are lots of discussions about the illegal immigrants to pay a certain fine. Some say 5000 dollars some say 1000 dollars, some say that the fine for a whole family should be smaller but all of them agree that this needs to be paid in full in a period of time not bigger than five years. I tend to believe that a fine is fair as long as the U.S.C.I.S. processing fees are not outrageous. There are also discussions about the period the newly legal resident receives 'the green card' and they would have the right to finally apply for naturalization (citizenship). I would tend to say ten years with the unconditional respect on American laws and values. I know, the rules started to get numerous but after a bit of brainstorming, it is obvious a good citizen who respects the laws and values of the state and why not of the common sense, would pass the 'exam of their life' with such a small effort.
          Despite any arguments that approve amnesty there are still some delicate issues. The illegal immigrants broke the law by entering the USA illegally. That is why they are called illegals. "It is unfair for every American citizen and every immigrant who came here legally. There are laws in this country that should be obeyed and followed. By just granting them legal status they are circumventing the entire process. Imagine if you were standing in a line (at the movies, or grocery store) and all of a sudden numerous people cut in front of you. Same principal applies"(Mikea, 2010)

          As stated before, amnesty is one of the best solution we have in hand-it is not 'the solution'. Like in any other debates there are pros and cons about this delicate problem that needs careful attention . Some say that the cost of amnesty might be too high. "Americans already bear a $113 billion annual burden from their government’s refusal to enforce immigration laws. Millions of jobs – that Americans want and need – are filled by illegal immigrants willing to work for low wages. Amnesty would make the largely poorly educated and poorly skilled illegal immigrant population eligible for costly benefits and services, increasing the burden for American taxpayers, and paving the way for family members to follow them here"(Waslin, 2010). If chosen the amnesty path, there is a lot of work involved in creating a good plan to be implemented in order to cope with the previous mistakes our government did when implemented such a law.
          Despite any arguments and debates, in one of my previous blogs I have stated that "United States of America is a multicultural and multiethnic country where people from different parts of the world have chosen to live. For most part of America's history the country's doors were open to the tired, the poor, for the people who simply wanted a better life. Coming from different countries, races and religions, they were driven by the desire and hope of finding new opportunities, the promise land that accomplishes everybody’s dreams". We as a whole need to find the best ways in search of harmony, an essential ingredient for a peaceful life, harmony which will arise  only after finding the path on solving our internal fears, one of them certainly being illegal immigration. "It is important to learn the aspects of the American multiculturalism in order to find the best way to live harmoniously within the multitude of cultures that characterizes this country. Therefore, people need to understand that they need to have their own identity, to be independent and at the same time interdependent with the others. They also have to realize that the others are different individuals, with different cultural background than theirs and once they understand this fact they will be able to find more place for tolerance, for acceptance. This will lead to a better communication and to a peaceful and harmonious life in the multicultural society, which is for the benefit of the entire humanity."   
          The U.S.A are by definition the country of acceptance of the cultural diversity, we are the best example of a melting pot. The eloquent example is the writing on the base of the Statue of Liberty National Monument which not long time ago was the first image of the new country our grandparents came to embrace.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus


Michele Waslin, senior policy analyst, American Immigration Council’s Immigration Policy       ---------Center         be-offered-legal-status

Chris Kling, Undocumented and illegal immigrants should have a roadmap to US citizenship                     -------- have-a-roadmap-to-us-citizenship.

We Need Illegal Immigrants As Much As They Need Us                                            ---------------    ---------

Nina Berstein, Tax Returns Rise for Immigrants in U.S. Illegally                                                     ------ -

Stephen Dinan, Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care


 Richard D. Lamm, Lawrence Harrison / October 15, 2010 A bold plan to solve America's illegal                          --------immigration problem


Michele Waslin, senior policy analyst, American Immigration Council’s Immigration Policy     -----------Center


Andrei Vlad, Cultural Differences.